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Главная » 2013 » Сентябрь » 13 » ID
Ice-Age Lakes and Deep River Canyons
This tour starts at a gold rush town at the heart of the Rockies, passes an ice-age glacial lake, and drops down through farm country to the desert canyons of the Snake River.
Stately Wallace sits in the shadows of a steep Rocky Mountain valley- the richest silver and lead veins, intensive  industrial mining since the 1880 - town of Wallace, best preserved Victorian town (in National Historic Register): the Wallace District Mining Museum, the Northern Pacific Depot Railroad Museum. Wallace gold was discovered, Panhandle NF-Coeur d'Alene. Auto-tour 15mi (StJoe, Nine Mile Creek, Dobson pass, and two mile creek to Osburn, Beaver and Trail creeks to Murray, then west to Prichard. to Wallace US10, I-90, Northern Pacific Depot Railroad museum 1901, Oasis Bordello museum, SierraSilver Mine tour (departs every 30 min 420 5th st), Wallace district mining museum.
Weiser Weiser  Weiser river, Hell's Conyon National Recreation area, Weiser Valley, Fiddler's Hall of Fame,Brownlee lake,Woodhead park, McCormick park,  Snake river heritage center, Hughes river expedition (26mi n on US95 at 95 First st in Cambrodge
 Continue west to 1-90 to Cataldo.  The Mission of the Sacred Heart , now the state park built by  catholics  in 1848 on the Coeur d'Alene River.
 Continue west to 1-90 , climbing up over Fourth of July Pass before dropping down onto Lake Coeur d'Alene, a large glacier-dug lake. The town Coeur d'Alene.  Farragut state park south end of Lake Pend Oreille, St. Joe river, Museum of north Idaho, Fort Sherman Museum, Scenic drive s on US97 along eastern shore of Lake Coeur d'Alene, east on Us10 through Fourth of July Canyon and north along US95. Silverwood Theme Park
Go south on Hw 95 and pass through the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation. The landscape transforms to rolling formlands to Moscow.
From Moscow south on Hw95 to Lewiston, to  the Snake River Canyon, Lewiston Hill and Clearwater river.
Panhandle National Forest   Appaloosa Museum and Heritage center, Latah County Historical Society
St.Marie's,  Benewah Lake, Round Lake,Chatcolet Lake, Heyburn SP, Idaho Panhandle NF-St.Joe, St.Joe Baldy Mountain (8mi e on St.Joe River rd (Forest Hw50), St.Joe River called "the river through the lakes", connects St.Marie's with Lake Coeur d'Alene(just e on ID5)
Crater of the Moon National Monuments 18 mi sw of Arco on US20/26/93 - spectacular lava flows, 25cinder cons, spatter cones, lava tubes, natural bridgesand tree molds withing the monuments - a weak spot in theearth's crust permitted outbursts of lava at leasr 8 times during the last 15K.
 Targhee National Forest, Bonneville museum, Heise Hot springs, Idaho Falls, the Laves -lava crater caves of Idaho Falls city, fissures, rock flow (10mis viaUS 91to Shelley, than 4 miw on local road), Tautphaus park.
Jeromo county historical Pioneer Hall   Malad Gorge State park, footbridge, Dewil,s Washbowl, Thousend Springs State Park   Thousand Springs State Park
Twin Falls  Tween Falls founded 1904, Magic Valley, Herrett Center (archaeology), planetarium, Perrine Memorial Bridge, Snake River Canyon, Shoshone Falls, Twin Falls
American falls DamIndian Springs - 4 ml south on ID 37, hot mineralized springs, camp. Massacre Rocks St.park., 1862, juniper sagebrush area, extensive bird life 12 ml sw on 1-86 at exit 28.
Ashton. Targhee National Forest, Warm river recreation area, Bear Gulch -Sawtooth National Forest  , a Ranger District forest, Harriman State Park
 Idaho Wolves: Kings Of The Predators
Boise. 1864 -the capital.
Boise -19 century –born in golden rush time . Boulevard and Jefferson st from local sandstone and 4 kind of marble, 43 stars (Idaho –the 43 state in US). Geothermally heated – water from hot springs. Leading industry, natural hot water from underground springs, Boise river, Basque museum and Cultural center 1864, Basque diaspora  Eigle Island state park: commonwoods,willows, great blue heron,eagle,hawk,beaver, muskrat,fox,weasel. Idaho botanical garden. Julia Devis Park.Boise Boise art museum, Payette river, abandoned mines and ghost towns, Sawtooth Wilderness, Franck Church River of No Return Wilderness, Boise National Forest.Idaho state historical museum. Lucky Peak State park (10ml se on ID21). M-K Nature center 600S.Walnut st.,   Table rock (4ml e at end of Shaw Mnt rd).World Center for Birds of Prey (5666 w.Flying Hawk Ln, I-84, exit50 to s.Cole rd, then 6 ml S.).
 Mountain Home  Boise-Owyhee Valley sousern west Idaho Bruneau Canyon, Bruneau Dunes state park Elmore County Historical Foundation Museum  Three island Crossing State Park  
Buhl  Twin Falls county  Balanced rock state park      Burley  Cassia County Historical Museum
Nampa Canyon County Historical Society Museum Deer Flat National Wildlife refuge         Lake Lowell  Lakeview park
Hell’s Canyon National Recreation area,

The deepest gorge in North America

Snake river, He and She Devil Mnt, Granite creek, Granote creek natural hot springs, Heaven’s Gate, Riggins, Nez Perce, Payette national forest, Idaho and Wallowa-Whitman national forest,
 seat of Canyon county, formed  by the confluence of the Snake and Boise rivers, founded bu the Idaho and Oregon Land Improvement Company, company president C.A. Caldwell. J.Smith Natural Science Museum, planetarium in Boone Science Hill, Blatcheley Hall houses the Rosenthal Gallery of Art on Cleveland Blvd at 20th St.
Succor Creek Canyon - prehistoric fossils (33mi w on Id19, just across Oregon line).  Warhawk Air Museum  Lake Owyhee State Park  
Geology of granite and remnant of California trail (22 mi s on ID 27 to Oakley, then 16 mi s and follow signs, or 32 mi s on ID 77 to Almo, then 2 mi w and follow signs).
Sawtooth National Forest, Howell Canyon, Lake Cleveland, four glacial lakes(9mi e on US 30 to Declo, than 15 mis on ID 77, other areas east and west) Voluntourism in Idaho
Challis founded 1876   Salmon River "Grand Canyon" area Challis National Forest,   Big Hole Valley  Geology and stratigraphy,  road Us93 and ID75, hot springsghost towns, Frank Church river of No Return Wilderness, Mt.Borah, Middle Fork and Salmon Wild and Scenic River, Grand Canyon in miniature walls 700m  (10-13 mi s ans se on US 93) 
Kellogg, Idaho cheep housing, Kellogg, largest silvr and lead mines, most violent mines strikes took placehere in 1899. Old mission state park Coeur d'Alene (1850), Sunshine Mine Disaster Memorial (see goology), Sunshine Mine (3mi e on I-90 exit 54, Big Creek)
 Lewiston    Lewiston Clearwater river, GOLD MINING NEAR KOOSKIA IDAHO,  Bitterroof Mountains, Clearwater National forest, joins the Snake River at Lewingston, Auto tours (The Levis and Clark  Hw US12 east to Montana. Canyon. Logo Pass Visitor Center, Lochsa  Historical Ranger Station), Castle Museum1906. Hell's Canyon National Recreation area, Hell's Gate State Park, Luna House museum- the first hotel in town 1861, Nez Perce National Historical Park (11mi e on US95in Spalding has visitor center),
 Montpelier  founded 1864 Bear Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau, located in highlands of Bear Lake Valley, Clover Creek, Belmont (designet by marmon leader Brighman Young), phosphate is  mined, Caribou National forest,  http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/ctnf/about-forest/offices/?cid=stelprdb5167548    Bear Lake State park, Bloomington Lake, Minnetonka Cave, Bear Lake might not be quite as deep or dark blue as Tahoe, but it does have a reputation for pretty blue clear water. And that's what I tried to show here. This is a snapshot by a non-professional, but it's one of the best I could find that shows the color of the lake.
History of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville - http://geology.isu.edu/Digital_Geology_Idaho/Module14/mod14.htm 
 Henry's Lake State Park    Henry's Lake State Park ,  Henry's fork of the Snake river,  Historic Railroad Ranch (19mi n on US20/191, s of Island Park),   Golden and Silver Lakes,   Targhee National Forest: Jedediah Smith (west slope of the Tetons, Grand Teton National Park),  Winegar Hole (grizzly bear habitat, bordering Yellowstone National Park), Henry's Lake reservoir, Grand Targhee Resort, Photos of  Big Springs (subterrein cavern (moose, deer, sandhill cranes, trumpeter swansbald eagles (33mi n on US20/191 to Mack's Inn then 5 mi e on paved road), Yellowstone trip see also,  Lower Mesa Falls (14mi NE on ID 47), Upper Mesa Falls (18mi NE on ID 47 on Forest Service Land).
Pocatello Pocatello named for the Native American lider. Caribopu National Forest, Pebble Creek,, Idaho museum of Natural history (Large mammels of the Ice age), Native American basketry and beadwork, Rocky Mountain River tours, Middlefork Salmon Canyon, Ross Park, Bannock County Historical Museum, Old Fort Hall Replica -reproduction of 1834 Hudson's Bay Trading Post, Standrop House-Victorian mansion
Rexburg   Parks  Beaver Dick, Twin Bridges, Tenon Flood Museum, Yellowstone Bear World
St.Anthony       St.Anthony  Dunes St.Anthony   Idaho's tiny (30 mi long, one mile wide "sahara desert" St.Anthony Sand Dunes, Fremont County, Targhee NF, Fort Henry Post Station (7mi w along Henry's Fork of Snake River, Cowboy Poet Festival, Geology in Teton Region - http://www.idahogeology.org/DrawOnePage.asp?PageID=130
Blackfoot  Bingham County Historical Museum, Shoshone-Bannock Indian Festival
Bonners Ferry  Bonners Ferry  settled 1864 the Kootenia river,Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, bald eagles,(5mi w of riverside road,Moyie Falls(9mi e of Us2, then n at Moyie Springs over Moyie river,  Kootenai Vallewy
Priest Lake  (Lover and Upper)area (25 mi n of Priest River via ID 57), Indian Creek, Lionhead, Roosevelt Grove of cedars (http://blog.raptorrob.com/), Granite Falls,famous Mackinaw trout, (22mi n of town of Priest River via ID57, then 6 mi e on Eastshore rd or 6 mi on Id57, then 1 mi e on Outlet Bay rd.), Priest Lake SP Idaho  Panhandle National Forests-Kaniksu, Pend Oreille and Priest rivers and lakes, , explored by Jesuit priest, Father Peter John DeSmet known as "great black robe", Priest Lake SP (camp 1 mi off ID57 on the Coolin rd; Indian Creek 11 mi n of Coolin on the Easrshore rd, and Lionhead  is 23 mi n of Coolin on the Eastshore rd), Priest River,
Sandpoint Sandpoint  Bonner county Historical Society Museum from 1899, Coldwater Creek on the Cedar Street Bridge over Sand Creek, inspired by the Ponte Veccio in Florence, Round lake SP, Schweitzer Mt.
 Salmon , Salmon Lemhi Ghost town, Lemhi Shoshone history, Lemhi - a character in The Book of Mormons. Mormons colonize here in 1855 and built a fort, Fort Lemhi (29mi se on ID28), Salmon NF, Franck Church river of No return Wilderness (e and w along US93).  Sun Valley, Union Pacific Roilroad, Sawtooth NF, Headquarters Visitor Information Center, Sun Valley Resort,  Stanley  Stanley basin, river expedition float trip on the middle fork  of the Salmon River, Native American pictographs, caves, abandoned gold mines, Lake Stanley, Redfish Lake, Alturas lake. Redfish lake visitor center,Sawtooth Range 
http://www.freeguidetonwcamping.com/oregon_washington_main/Oregon/Southeast_OR/Succor_Creek.htm     Succor Creek Canyon  Oregon

http://www.yosemite.ca.us/library/climbers_guide/sawtooth_ridge.html  high Sierra

http://www.sharnoffphotos.com/lichens/lichens_home_index.html    linches


http://grani.ru/blogs/free/entries/219494.html    Октябрь-93: ответ Сергею Пархоменко

http://newtimes.ru/articles/detail/72112/     октября 1993 года расстрелом Белого дома завершился самый острый политический кризис в постсоветской России*. Спустя 20 лет The New Times обратился к политикам и экспертам с вопросом: как эти события изменили ход российской истории

http://kprf.ru/history/date/123576.html    "1993. Осень". КПРФ.ТВ представляет документальный фильм, посвященный 20-летию расстрела Дома Советов и ельцинской "танковой" Конституции



Labels: Bannack saloon Montana ghost town mining town mining ghost town Bannack Montana  http://idaholyoaks2.blogspot.com/2012/08/bannack-mt-mining-ghost-town-fantastic.html 


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«  Сентябрь 2013  »
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