Santa Rosa Plants
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native sand verbena with pinkish flowers
Mock Parsley (Apiastrum angustifolium), Apiaceae, Carrot Family
Common Celery (Apium graveolens) , Apiaceae, Carrot Family
American Bowlesia (Bowlesia incana) , Apiaceae, Carrot Family
Rattlesnake Weed (Daucus pusillus) , Apiaceae, Carrot Family
California Sweet-Cicely (Osmorhiza brachypoda) Apiaceae (Carrot family)
Purple Sanicle (Sanicula bipinnatifida), Apiaceae, Carrot Family
Southern Tauschia, Tauschia arguta, Apiaceae, Carrot Family
White-Stemmed or Wax Milkweed (Asclepias albicans), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae, (formerly Asclepiadaceae)
White-Stemmed or Wax Milkweed (Asclepias albicans), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae, (formerly Asclepiadaceae)
California or Round-Hood Milkweed (Asclepias californica), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Desert Milkweed (Asclepias erosa),Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Desert Milkweed (Asclepias erosa),Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Rush Milkweed or Ajamete (Asclepias sublata), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Rush Milkweed or Ajamete (Asclepias sublata), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Rush Milkweed or Ajamete (Asclepias sublata), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Utah Cynanchum or Deboltia, Cynanchum utahense, Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Climbing Milkweed (Sarcostemma cynanchoides hartwegii),Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Trailing Townula (Sarcostemma hirtellum), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Trailing Townula (Sarcostemma hirtellum), Dogbane Family, Apocynaceae
Thurber''s Pilostyles (Pilostyles thurberi), APODANTHACEAE, Apodanthes Family
California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera), Palm Family, Arecaceae
Desert-Willow, Chilopsis linearis ssp. arcuata, BIGNONIACEAE, Bignonia Family
Narrow-Leaf Cryptantha (Cryptantha angustifolia), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Boraginaceae: Cryptantha barbigera var. barbigera (Bearded Cryptantha)
Nievitas Cryptantha (Cryptantha intermedia),BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
White-Hair Cryptantha (Cryptantha maritima),BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Plagiobothrys californicus var. fulvescens.
Comb burs (Pectocarya linearis ssp. ferocula)
Boraginaceae: Cryptantha maritima (White-Hair Cryptantha)
Purple-Root Cryptantha (Cryptantha micrantha),BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Prickly Cryptantha (Cryptantha muricata), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Nevada Cryptantha (Cryptantha nevadensis), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Scented Cryptantha (Cryptantha utahenis), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Rancher''s Fiddleneck (Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Rigid Fiddleneck (Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Checker Fiddleneck (Amsinckia tessellata), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Chuckwalla Pectocarya (Pectocarya heterocarpa), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Arizona Popcornflower (Plagiobothrys arizonicus), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Jones'' Popcornflower (Plagiobothrys jonesii), BORAGINACEAE, Borage Family
Sahara/Asian Mustard, Wild-Turnip, Tournefort''s Cabbage (Brassica tournefortii), BRASSICACEAE, Mustard Family
Brassica tournefortii engulfs the Creosote Bush
Tansy Mustard (Descurainia), BRASSICACEAE, Mustard Family
Spectacle-Pod (Dithyrea californica), BRASSICACEAE, Mustard Family
Peppergrass, Pepperwort (Lepidium), BRASSICACEAE, Mustard Family
Peppergrass, Pepperwort (Lepidium), BRASSICACEAE, Mustard Family
London Rocket (Sisymbrium Irio), BRASSICACEAE, Mustard Family is a non-native
Long Beak Twist Flower (Streptanthella longorostris), BRASSICACEAE, Mustard Family
Elephant Tree, Bursera microphylla, BURSERACEAE, Torchwood Family
Elephant Tree, Bursera microphylla, BURSERACEAE, Torchwood Family
Elephant Tree, Bursera microphylla, BURSERACEAE, Torchwood Family
Capillary Threadplant, Nemacladus rubescens,Bellflower Family, Campanulaceae
Mohave Stinkweed, Cleomella obtusifolia,Caper Family, Capparaceae
http://waynesword.palomar.edu/smoktre1.htm - Flora of Smoke Tree Wash, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
http://waynesword.palomar.edu/cryptantha.htm - Boraginaceae Images
The borage family (Boraginaceae) is widely distributed in temperate and tropical regions, with about 134 genera and 2650 species. It includes many wildflowers in the Colorado and Mojave deserts of North America, typically with connate corollas in scorpioid (coiled) inflorescences, and with stems and leaves covered in glistening hairs (trichomes). In tropical regions there are hardwood trees with beautiful, showy flowers. The family is well represented in San Diego County, both in native annuals and cultivated perennials. Two of the most common genera are the so-called "popcorn flowers" Plagiobothrys and Cryptantha. Dna evidence indicates that root parasites of the genus Pholisma (Lennoaceae) and members of the Hydrophyllaceae (Phacelia, Nemophila, Nama, etc.) are closely related to the Boraginaceae. In fact, in the revised Jepson Manual II: Vascular Plants of California, all these species are now placed in the Boraginaceae!
http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/plants/cryptantha/index.html - Cryptantha Taxonomy & Images
http://waynesword.palomar.edu/domeland1.htm - Trail To The Domelands & Wind Caves of Imperial County !!!
http://www.abdnha.org/pages/03flora/family/cactaceae/cactaceae.htm - Cactus Family, Cactaceae
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