Los Angeles Plaza and Picos 

Union Station

Los Angeles Plaza

Los Angeles Plaza Showing the old Plaza Church

Iglesia Nuestra Senora Reina de los Angeles (Plaza Church)

Iglesia Nuestra Senora Reina de los Angeles (Plaza Church)

Sacred Memories at the Pico House

LA Plaza 1961

Shoeshine boys in the old Plaza, 1930s. (Photo: Los Angeles Times)

The Plaza as it appeared in 1890. (Photo: Los Angeles Public Library)-http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/10/25/nos-vemos-en-la-placita-the-historic-los-angeles-plaza/

Los Angeles. Plaza Church in 1870. The Church of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels) was built after the previous church was ruined by flooding. While this building was dedicated on December 8, 1822, the church itself was founded in 1781, shortly after settlers first arrived. Despite lots and lots of changes over the last two centuries, Plaza Church can claim it’s the oldest established church in continuing use in Los Angeles.

Hand-tinted 1869 photograph of the Los Angeles Plaza and Plaza

LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes

Plaza Cultura y Artes in Los Angeles.

Pico House Gallery at El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument

"Sacred Memories" at The Pico House Gallery

LA Plaza - LA Plaza de Culturas y Artes at Olvera Street in Los Angeles

El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument. LA City Hall is the tall white

The Plaza Fire House

Los Angeles Plaza Fire Station

Los Angeles Plaza building home

ПРОБЛЕМА СТАРОГО КЛАДБИЩА El Pueblo de Los Angeles Plaza Church Cemetery Campo Santo

ПРОБЛЕМА СТАРОГО КЛАДБИЩА Filed under los angles El Pueblo de Los Angeles Pico house monument

Merced Theater (center) flanked by Pico House and Masonic Temple

Los Angeles Plaza Historic District

Pico House was the first grand hotel in Los Angeles

Pнo Pico constructed the Pico House in 1869-70.

Pico House, Old Los Angeles Plaza

The Spirits of the City Live On at El Pueblo. Day of the Dead" altar honoring Pio Pico in the Pico House Gallery at El Pueblo -http://blogdowntown.com/2009/10/4813-the-spirits-of-the-city-live-on-at-el-pueblo

Pico House advertisement

A streetcar and buggies in front of the Pico House in 1870

The Pico House, 1880''s

Pico House

Pico House wall interior

Interier of Pico House

Pio Pico, the last governor of Mexican California, built the Pico House in 1869

1874 Main Street south from Pico House

Дом Пико, исторический отель, выходящий на площадь Los Angeles Plaza. Построеннoe 19 июня 1870 бывшим губернатором Пио Пико трехэтажное строeние с драматическим газовым освещением и французским рестораном считалось когда-то самым роскошным отелeм Лос-Анджелесa. Когда городcкой коммерческий центр переместился на юг, статус Домa Pico быстро упал. Pico потерял собственность, но до самой смерти часто посещал свое бывшее владение. Выдающийся пример стиля итальянской архитектуры, Дом Pico причислен в Национальном Регистре к Историческим Местaм и подвергался реконструкции как части El Pueblo de LA в 1953.

Пикo Пио и Пико Андрес

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