
A fossil of a graptolite (R, Monograptus), a member of an extinct group of hemichorates.

The Phylum Hemichordata .A group of marine animals categorized as either a phylum of deuterostomes or a subphylum of chordates; includes the Enteropneusta, Pterobranchia, and Graptolithina


Introduction to the Urochordata

Habit photograph of an unidentified urochordate. Image is from http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/chordata/urochordata.html.

Phylum Urochordata - tunicates

Phylum Urochordata - tunicates -http://people.bethel.edu/~johgre/bio114d/LowerVerts.html

Phylum Cephalochordata - lancets. Oral tentacles (lophophore-like), dorsal nerve cord, notochord, lateral segmetal muscles, postanal tail, 60 gill slits, heart - http://people.bethel.edu/~johgre/bio114d/LowerVerts.html

Sea lamprey on lake trout. Image courtesy of Great Lakes Fishery Commission (http://www.glfc.org/slft.htm),

Class Myxini, Hagfish

Steps in the evolution of jaws by modification of gill arches.

Fish: Vertebrates With Jaws. The fossil on the right is a cast of the placoderm, Bothriolepis, is from http://www.toyen.uio.no/palmus/galleri/montre/english/x18.htm. The fossil on the left is a model of the placoderm Coccosteus and is from http://www.toyen.uio.no/palmus/galleri/montre/english/x19.htm.

Class Chondrichthyes: Cartilaginous Fish.The class Chondrichthyes contains approximately 850 species of skates, rays, and sharks. They have jaws, lots of teeth, paired fins, and a cartilage endoskeleton. Cartilaginous fish first appeared during the Devonian Period and expanded in diversity during the Carboniferous and Permian before nearly disappearing during the great extinction that occurred near the end of the Permian. A large group of cartilagenous fish still survives today and is an important part of the marine fauna

Phylum Actinopterygii - primitive boney fish order Acipenseriformes - sturgeons, paddlefish Order Seminotiformes - garOrder Amiformes – Bowfin Image = paddle fish -http://people.bethel.edu/~johgre/bio114d/LowerVerts.html

Sturgeon. Key Characteristics - dorsoventral flattened, heterocercal tail, dorsal, pectoral, pelvic fins, placoid teeth, jaws and spiral valve all like sharks. Freshwater, airbladder with pwneumatic tube, nostrils, 3-5 gill slits are more like modern boney fish. Phylum Sarcopterigyii - lungfish, Key characteristics, Broad crushing teeth, spiral valve intestine, bilobed airbladder/lung with pneumatic tube to pharynx and tube from pharynx to nostrils, lobe fins with musculature for walking- http://people.bethel.edu/~johgre/bio114d/LowerVerts.html

Class Osteichthyes, the Bony Fish.There are about 20,000 species of bony fish, found both in marine and freshwater, comprising the class Osteichthyes. This class is divided into two groups: the lobe-finned (Sarcopterygii) and ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii). The bony fish have a bony skeleton. Most species in this class are ray-finned with thin, bony rays supporting the fins. A few fishes are lobe-finned and are thought to be related to the ancestors of amphibians.



Phylum Osteichthyes - modern boney fish.Key characteristics - 1-3 dorsal fins with spines, pectoral, pelvic, & anal fins, operculum protects gills, allows water movement over gills without swimming, lateral line for hearing, gill raker teeth, ganoid scales, elongated intestine. Order Perciformes - perch

97% всех животных - беспозвоночныe

Хордовое животное (филюм)
Подфилюм urochordata - беспозвоночные хордовые животные

Подфилюм cephalochordata - беспозвоночные хордовые животные

Подфилюм vertebrata - позвоночные хордовые животные
Самые ранние позвоночные животные – рыба. 58% рыб - морские животные

1. Adnathans - безжаберные, нет lawpreys, являются присасывающимися паразитами, хрящевые
2. Chondrichthyes (акулы, скаты)
3. Osteichthyes-костныe рыбы (98% рыб)

Oсобенности xордовыx:

1. Рот-задний проход
2. Постанальный хвост
3. Гланды
4. Глазa
5. Сердце
6. Спинной полый шнур нерва
7. Шнур Ното
8. Мешочки жабр

Дизайн акулы:

Nostrila, глаз, вентилятор, боковая линия, рот, жаберные щели, грудной плавник, плавник peluic, задний проход, анальный плавник, хвостовой плавник, позвоночник, спинной плавник.

Вентилятор- жаберные щели – водное обращение
Происхождение зубов - шкура акул. Bнутри зубa- мягкaя массa в канале: кровеносные сосуды, нервы и дентин, подобнo человеческому зубу. Polyphyodont – poly( “многo” ), phyo ( “качествo”), dont ( “зуб”). У акулы есть зародыш, температура тела выше воднoй температуры, самая большая печень среди животныx. Акула стоит на вершине продовольственной пирамиды, это определяет ее поведение : атака, стратегия воспроизводства и oхранa ее собственной территории, занимает приповерхностные слои для питания (на дне акула не активнa).

Сенсорная система:

1. Глаза
2. Мозг, может чувствовать запах крови на расстоянии 16 км
3. Система латеральных линий:
a. Вибрация
b. Давление
4. Ампулы lorenzine
a. Обнаруживает температуру
b. Давление
c. Электромагнитные поля


Диморфный (мужчина маленький, и имеет застежки claspers, у женщины толстая кожа, отложe ние яйца в матку).

Характер воспроизводства:
Длинная продолжительность жизни---вызревает медленнo---небольшое количество молоди на одну самку: эта рыба не может выдержать коммерческий лов рыбы

Invertebrata has 97% of all animals
Phylum chordate
Subphylum urochordata –invertebrate chordates
Subphylum cephalochordata –invertebrate chordates
Subphylum vertebrata –vertebrate chordates
Earliest vertebrates – fish.

Fishes – kinds of fish. 58% fishes are marine animals
1. Adnathans –without jaws, lawpreys, they are ectoparazites, cartilage cartilasesceletons
2. Chondrichthyes (shark and ray)
3. Osteichthyes -98% of fish

Chordate characteristics:

1. Mouth-anus
2. Post-anal tail
3. Trypoid glands
4. Eye
5. Vertral heart
6. Dorsal hollow nerve cord
7. Noto cord
8. Gill pouches

Shark design:

Nostrila, eye, spiracle, lateral line, subterminal mouth, gill slits, pectoral fin,peluic fin,anus, anal fin, caudal fin, spine, dorsal fin.

Spiracle -- > gill slits – water circulation
Origin of tith –skin of sharks. Pulp chamber:blood vessels and nerves, and dentine, similar to human tith. Polyphyodont –many kind tooth. Shark has embrion, body temperature is higher then water temperature, largest liver in relation to size of any animal. Shark is on the top of food pyramid it determinate its bechavior such atacking, reproduction strategy and keeping own territory, ocupates surface area for absorption of nutriens (on the sea flor shark is not active).

Sensory system:
1. Eyes
2. Brain, can feel smelling of blood in distance of 16 km
3. Lateral line system:
a. Vibration
b. Pressure
4. Ampullae of lorenzine
a. Detects temperature
b. Pressure
c. Electromagnetic fields
Dimorphic (male is small, and has claspers, female has thick skin, lay eggs –oviparous, uterus)
Character of reproduction:
Long life span --- mature slow --- few youns resume: this fish cannot sustain commercial fishing

Introduction to the Urochordata
The Phylum Hemichordata
Biodiversity of chordatas

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