What we study about  

Multiple Intelligence
Something about pelicans (truly story)

Could I ask you what do you know about pelicans? Someone will tell me that it is the biggest sea bird that looks like an ancient pterodactyl, another will remember a big beak bad for fish dragging. Our knowledge of pelicans stops here. However, I know pelicans a little closer. Lets get my story.

It happened on Thanksgiving, my second day in America. The turkey was under marinade. Till the celebration there were 2 hours, and I took my bicycle and went to see new place of my life. There was 3 miles from my island to Charleston Downtown

Carolina is amazing area. The land here is immersing in the sea, forming something like fiords.
A cane underbrush on marshy plains along wide rivers is the best place for dwarfish sharks, pelicans and herons that live among this grass.

It was dark when I rode home. An overturned crescent of the moon hung in the sky. Left of me there was a tiny lake, right - a sea gulf. Unexpectedly, the big log fell from the sky on an asphalt around 10 foot far from me. Gee, I thought, trees started to fly. It is necessary to look at.

Something laid on the road. It was a big pelican around 30 pounds of weight. He was mostly dead, but his heart gave out some attributes of life. His head hanged down from my hands, the cold leather bag - beak was in half of a birds length.

Something happened with a bird. He needed some help. I looked up somebody else and saw three young fishers on the lake. They came to me, but no one did not held the giant in hands before. We felt an confuse. Suddenly, one of them exclaimed: It seems I know what happened! He took the bird head downwards and began to shake. Oh, boy! Fish by fish, a huge mountain of fish fell down from a beak of the bird! It was a half of a pelicans weight. Fresh fish, some from them were alive. Pelican turned into a life subject and, like drunk, went to the lake. I think he could not fly after falling.

At home, I told this story in time of the celebratory table. My friends laughed, one of them asked me: Have you ever eaten fried pelicans on Thanksgiving with extra fish soup as a divine gift? Youve had a chance! However, I get another divine gift the knowledge that overeating can kill not only pelicans. Knew your limits, God said.

Howard Gardner''s Multiple Intelligence
Finally, The Doors get their star


Outer Space was inside us
Outer Space was outside us

The end is the beginning
The beginning of the end
The end is nothing, nothing, nothing

Awkward phrase

The knock of wheels

Past tense,
Present time

My brains a shark
Devouring the world of another me
Another you

Mountains and rivers flit before a window of the bullet train
You peer into thoughts steadfastly
They are more real, than a reality

The chasm
Thirsting for fillings
Years are powerless before you,
My Mirage!

Light shadows
Silent steps

Through times,
Through spaces

The snow falls slowly
Huge flakes lie on trees
Shrouding the ground

You hear them
You hear only their voices
You are an alive stream,
Who absorbs
Thousand ideas
Thousand lives
Stale streamlets and falls
Flow down to the giant Ocean,
Waters of which one,
as is known,
are salty

Roller coasters
Dizzy ascent
Impetuous falling
Frisco sound
And someone''s lyric

Oh, fascination
Oh, perishable being
The star, the flower
And eternity
And short term

Astronomers confirms we have the light of some stars that don''t exist more


Come with me
Ill lead you
Into a theatre
Thats not for everyone
Not for everyone

Ill lead you in the magic shadow theatre
A strange orchestra plays here only for you
And one psychedelic guru sits on a throne

Come in!

Close your eyes
Disconnect yourself from an external world
Its light is too bright
It muffles an absent-minded resource of your soul

Lets go forward

This Games without rules

Without a plot

Without roles

Without the end


That flashed like sparks

Lie down on a paper

Reflecting the world

The Word


The best books are the books

That have never been written

The best thoughts are thoughts

That have never been stated

Read its!

Unknown planets under your feet

Your zealous horse rushes around
Lost the way

Everythings vague
Everythings changeable


Lets do more miracles!
Lets do more magic touches!

Just because

If the imagination dies
The idea will be frozen
Life will be replaced to
Absurd existence

Do you want it?

Come with me, my friend


Let''s go!

Bon Voyage to you!

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have? (test)
My Dominant Intelligence

One month ago we read about Multiple Intelligences and about different ways of intelligence. According this article, I hold 6 from 7 intelligences: radical intrapersonal (100%), logical-mathematical (90% or more, according my past job), linguistic, spatial or musical (50% or more, I can value this form of intelligence production), bodily-kinesthetic (around 40%, I can express something thru body movement; pantomime, dance), interpersonal (less 20%, but I can catch the value system of another people perfectly like a psychologist). How can you see, my dominant intelligence is interpersonal one.

The intrapersonal intelligence means an ability to look at introspective. For example, I enjoy to check my own thoughts, to ask myself questions, to analyze everything that can be interesting for me (even my teachers methodology, not only my soul), to maximize or reduce what I want, to construct my own solution, my own opinion, to break arguably out something that disturb my system, to private something important for me from another kind of mental systems, to be radically against some kind of meanings or methodology of my opponents, no matter which position he/she has. I can be terrible with some kind of people who try to break my system of value, but I can be absolutely tolerant for understanding of another peoples motivation.

Other marks of my intrapersonal intelligence are following: I am Narcissus which likes to be alone, independent and do not care that everybody thinks about me. I newer ask somebody to help my. I can give my right diagnosis before doctors solution. My inner world is my authentic reality dont tough it. I use inner speech to learn something, I am self confident and intuitive, and can give you fast decision or predict an intense. I learn best by myself rather than in a group. I am radically self-motivating, no one can block my own way - I will trough with them fast and without compromises, even I will lose something. Dont provoke conflict with my own world!!! My OWN WORLD is my Lord! My God is Germs, my favorite skill is hermeneutic, I am a hermit, I am Germane.

In short, as an intrapersonal person, I can control and create my own destiny better, then everyone else. When did I know I have this intelligence? It was when I compared my own inner world with Morrisons inner world more then 30 years ago.

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