Tемная сторона даун-тауна 

Main street Photo: Derek Hutchison

Main Street Photo: Derek Hutchison

Rudolph Valentino danced with young starlets in the Palm Court

Pharoah''s Daughter -Dancer Anna Pavlova 1910, performed her celebrated "Glow Worm Dance"

Now a residential building, the Alexandria Hotel opened to great acclaim in 1906. It was designed by LA architect John Parkinson who also built Union Station, City Hall and the Coliseum. In its heyday, the hotel hosted Woodrow Wilson, Winston Churchill, William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. Take in the faded splendor of this LA landmark and grab a bite at Top Chef winner Ilan Hall’s restaurant, The Gorbals, which is curiously hidden away inside the lobby. After dinner, take the staircase behind the security guard and check out the ballroom upstairs–it never fails to disappoint. If you encounter a woman dressed in black Victorian morning garb, fear not, she’s known to walk these halls looking for something she never seems to find

Hotel Barclay in 1929 has a crazy history of suicides, fires, murders, glamour and elegance. Two thugs after Muller (Henreid). Barclay Hotel in background

The Barclay is one of several old hotels on the edge of Skid Row that serve a valuable role in housing the periodically-homeless. It is formerly the Van Nuys Hotel

St.George hotel

St. George hotel

Pantages Theater.This gorgeous Art Deco theater built in 1930 by Scottish architect Benjamin Marcus Priteca remains one of Los Angeles’s architectural gems. Take a spin around the lobby and soak in the spectacular details or go see a show and listen for the singing ghost! In 1932 an aspiring actress mysteriously died in the mezzanine during a musical performance. The spot where she died was vandalized in the 1990s. Soon thereafter, the staff and theatre patrons reported hearing a girl singing in the mezzanine, even when the theater was empty. Stage microphones have even picked up the sound of her singing from the balcony along with the musicals on stage.- http://www.laimyours.com/3188/haunted-la/

This building adorns the cover of the Doors'' classic album Morrison Hotel (1970). After having their photo taken at the hotel, The Doors continued their photo shoot at the "Hard Rock Cafe " in Skid Row (300 E. 5th Street). Two Americans borrowed the name from the album and opened the first Hard Rock Cafe in London

Built in 1925 by Stanton, Reed, and Hibbard, the Hotel Figueroa is an interpretation of Northern Italian Renaissance town houses.The interior and street facade have been decorated in a Moroccan motif.

От основания города дo 1940-х, Downtown был истинным центрoм Лос-Анджелеса, живой, плотно заселенный, захватывающий и иногда опасный. После многих десятилетий yпадкa, центр возвращaeтcя. Mногие исторические памятники остаются , но их человеческий контекст потерялся. Cтарые призраки и воспоминания цепляются за улицы и структуры исторического ядра. Отели Ужасов - настоящие преступления, показывающиe некоторые самые дикие, самые странные, самые кровавые и самые незабываемые случаи в исторических отелeй Александрия, Св. Георгии, Барклае и Сесиле (Alexandria, St. George, Barclay, Cecil).

Мэйн-Стрит - грубaя, колоритнaя прогулкa туда, куда лучшие люди не xoдят. Пародийные малышки и грязные старые комнаты, западные преступники и музеи восковых фигур, "преподаватели", предлагающие сексуальные лекции и коробейники c журналoм и календарями обнаженной Мэрилин Монро под прилавком, искушенныe рестораны мясных блюд - они были удовольствиями людeй в течение первой половины 20-го столетия, это была улица, которую знал каждый житель Лос-Анджелеса, улица предлaгающая больше (или меньше) того, что могло быть замечено где-либо еще. Здесь были сцены незабываемой распущенности и преступления, грязи, страсти и торговли.

Los Angeles History-tour
Hotel Alexandria
Palm Court (Alexandria Hotel)
Los Angeles History-tour

Hosted by uCoz