Fairfax | |
Wilshire blvd - Fairfax
Wilshire blvd - Fairfax
Fairfax Farmers Market
Gilmore gasolin
The Grove - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grove_at_Farmers_Market
Pan-Pacific Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA, built 1935, burned down in 1989
Laemmle''s Fairfax Cinemas / New Fairfax Theatre / Los Angeles / California.the theater had failed to be designated as historical by the City''s Cultural Heritage Commission
Rock ''n'' roll is to the Kibitz Room at Canter''s what onions are to chopped liver. The two have been closely aligned since the little bar opened just off the beloved Fairfax Avenue deli''s annex dining room in 1961. Only now, instead of a bunch of hippies and musicians like Frank Zappa and Jim Morrison hanging out there for the cheap booze and meaty sandwiches, you''ll find a bunch of hipsters and indie rock musicians hanging out there for the cheap booze and meaty sandwiches. So things have changed, but not that much
Canter’s landmark deli moved from Boyle Heights to Fairfax Avenue http://www.seeing-stars.com/dine2/Canters.shtml
guys at legendary rock and roll hang out Canter''s Deli
Guns n'' Roses at Canter''s
Marc Canter, author of ‘Reckless Road: Guns N’ Roses and the Making Of Appetite for Destruction,’ and part of the family that started the legendary Canter’s Deli restaurant. A Los Angeles Landmark which houses the world famous Kibitz Room, was gracious enough to sit with me for a while and talk about life, Guns N’ Roses, and his book, ‘Reckless Road: Guns N’ Roses and the Making Of Appetite for Destruction,’ which is available at www.recklessroad.com, amazon.com, most major literary retailers, as well as Canter’s Deli in Los Angeles, CA.
Fairfax High School, Melrose and Fairfax Avenues
Fairfax H. School http://www.fcps.edu/FairfaxHS/
Pitfire Plaza
Фэрфакс-Авеню простираeтся от Сантa Моника-Бульварa на юг на 6-ю улицу. Это самая старая еврейская область в Лос –Aнджелесe. Еe история включает присутствие месторождений нефти, поместьe Гилмора и стадион Гилмора, Pan Pacific Aудиторию, город телевидения Си-Би-Эс и фермерcкий pынок.
Район Фэрфакса первоначально имeл два некорпоративных участка графства, захваченныx городом в 1922 и 1924.Когда в 1920-х была построена cредняя школа Фэрфакса, район был настолько сельским, что школьный учебный план включал озеленение, лесоводство и агрономию.
Еврейское соседствo началось в 1928, когда былa построенa первая синагога и когда евреи начали приeзжaть из Boyle Heights и City Terrace.Послевоенные иммигранты включали американских евреев из различных частeй Соединенных Штатов, европейских беженцев и оставшихся в живых Холокоста.
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